94 research outputs found

    A Color Image Database for Haze Model and Dehazing Methods Evaluation

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    International audienceOne of the major issues related to dehazing methods (single or multiple image based) evaluation is the absence of the haze-free image (ground-truth). This is also a problem when it concerns the validation of Koschmieder model or its subsequent dehazing methods. To overcome this problem, we created a database called CHIC (Color Hazy Image for Comparison), consisting of two scenes in controlled environment. In addition to the haze-free image, we provide 9 images of different fog densities. Moreover, for each scene, we provide a number of parameters such as local scene depth, distance from the camera of known objects such as Macbeth Color Checkers, their radiance, and the haze level through transmittance. All of these features allow the possibility to evaluate and compare between dehazing methods by using full-reference image quality metrics regarding the haze-free image, and also to evaluate the accuracy of the Koschmieder hazy image formation model


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    International audienceBad environmental conditions like bad weather, such as fog and haze, and smoke-filled monitored closed areas, cause a degradation and a loss in contrast and color information in images. Unlike outdoor scenes imaged in a foggy day, an indoor artificial hazy scene can be acquired in controlled conditions, while the clear image is always available when the smoke is dispersed. This can help to investigate models of haze and evaluate dehazing algorithms. Thus, an artificial indoor scene was set up in a closed area with a mean to control the amount of haze within this scene. While a convergence model simulates correctly a small amount of haze, it fails to reproduce the same perceived hazy colors of the real image when haze density is high. This difference becomes obvious when the same dehazing method is applied to both images. Unlike simulated images, colors in real hazy images are resulted from environmental illuminants interference

    Does Dehazing Model Preserve Color Information?

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    International audience—Image dehazing aims at estimating the image information lost caused by the presence of fog, haze and smoke in the scene during acquisition. Degradation causes a loss in contrast and color information, thus enhancement becomes an inevitable task in imaging applications and consumer photography. Color information has been mostly evaluated perceptually along with quality, but no work addresses specifically this aspect. We demonstrate how dehazing model affects color information on simulated and real images. We use a convergence model from perception of transparency to simulate haze on images. We evaluate color loss in terms of angle of hue in IPT color space, saturation in CIE LUV color space and perceived color difference in CIE LAB color space. Results indicate that saturation is critically changed and hue is changed for achromatic colors and blue/yellow colors, where usual image processing space are not showing constant hue lines. we suggest that a correction model based on color transparency perception could help to retrieve color information as an additive layer on dehazing algorithms

    Estudio técnico de las pinturas murales de Germolles: la contribución de las técnicas de imagen

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    [EN] The Château de Germolles is one of the rare palace in France dating from the 14th century. The noble floor is decorated with wall paintings that are a unique example of courtly love spirit that infused the princely courts of the time. After being concealed sometime in the 19th century, the paintings were rediscovered and uncovered in the middle of the 20th century and partly restored at the end of the 1990s. No scientific documentation accompanied these interventions and important questions, such as the level of authenticity of the mural decorations and the original painting technique(s) used in the medieval times remained unanswered. The combined scientific and financial supports of COSCH Cost Action and DRAC-Burgundy enabled to study Germolles’ wall paintings using some of the most innovative imaging and analytical techniques and to address some of the questions raised. The study provided significant information on the material used in the medieval times and on the conservation condition of the paintings. The data collected is vast and varied and exposed the owners of the property to the challenges of data management.[ES] El castillo de Germolles es uno de los raros palacios principescos en Francia que data del siglo XIV. La planta noble está decorada con pinturas murales que son un ejemplo único del amor cortés, ese espíritu que se divulgó en las cortes de la época.Ocultadas desde el fin del siglo XIX, las pinturas fueron descubiertas en la mitad del siglo XXy fueron parcialmente restauradas al finalde la década de 1990. No hay documentación científica queacompañelas intervenciones, y cuestiones importantesse quedaronsin repuesta, en particular el nivel de autenticidad de las decoraciones de las paredes, así como lastécnicaspictóricasutilizadasen laépoca medieval. El apoyo científico y económico de la Acción Cost COSCH y de la DRAC de Borgoña permitió elestudio delas pinturas murales de Germolles con algunas de las técnicas de imagen y analíticasmás innovadoras, con tal de responder a algunas de las cuestiones planteadas. El estudio proporcionó informaciónrelevante en lo que se refiere al material utilizado durante la Edad Mediay sobreel estado de conservación de las pinturas. La toma de datos es ampliay variada, y expuso a los dueños de la propiedad al desafío de la gestión de datos.This project would not have been possible without the financial support by DRAC-Burgundy and the COST Action TD1201: Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage (COSCH) (www.cosch.info) which the authors wish to sincerely thank.Degrigny, C.; Piqué, F.; Papiashvili, N.; Guery, J.; Mansouri, A.; Le Goïc, G.; Detalle, V.... (2016). Technical study of Germolles’ wall paintings: the input of imaging technique. Virtual Archaeology Review. 7(15):1-8. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2016.5831SWORD18715Giovannoni, S., Matteini, M., & Moles, A. (1990). Studies and developments concerning the problem of altered lead pigments in wall painting. Studies in Conservation, 35(1), 21-25. doi:10.1179/sic.1990.35.1.21Manuel, A., Gattet, E., De Luca, L., & Veron, P. (2013). An approach for precise 2D/3D semantic annotation of spatially-oriented images for in situ visualization applications. 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage). doi:10.1109/digitalheritage.2013.6743752Wefers, S., Reich, T., Tietz, B. and Boochs, F. 2016. SIVT – Processing, Viewing, and Analysis of 3D Scans of the Porthole Slab and Slab B2 of Züschen I. In: S. Campana, R. Sopigno, G. Carpentiero and M. Cirillo, eds, CAA2015. Keep the Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods In Archaeology. Oxford : Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, pp. 1067-1080


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    International audienceWe propose a methodology inspired by Gestalt laws to ex- tract and combine features and we test it on the object cat- egory recognition problem. Gestalt is a psycho-visual the- ory of Perceptual Organization that aims to explain how vi- sual information is organized by our brain. We interpreted its laws of homogeneity and continuation in link with shape and color to devise new features beyond the classical proxim- ity and similarity laws. The shape of the object is analyzed based on its skeleton (good continuation) and as a measure of homogeneity, we propose self-similarity enclosed within shape computed at super-pixel level. Furthermore, we pro- pose a framework to combine these features in different ways and we test it on Caltech 101 database. The results are good and show that such an approach improves objectively the ef- ficiency in the task of object category recognition

    Un système intégré d'acquisition 3D multispectral (acquisition, codage et compression des données)

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    Nous avons développé un système intégré permettant l'acquisition simultanée de la forme 3D ainsi que de la réflectance des surfaces des objets scannés. Nous appelons ce système un scanner 3D multispectral du fait qu il combine, dans un couple stéréoscopique, une caméra multispectrale et un système projecteur de lumière structurée. Nous voyons plusieurs possibilités d application pour un tel système mais nous mettons en avant des applications dans le domaine de l archivage et la diffusion numériques des objets du patrimoine. Dans le manuscrit, nous présentons d abord ce système ainsi que tous les calibrages et traitements nécessaires à sa mise en oeuvre. Ensuite, une fois que le système est fonctionnel, les données qui en sont générées sont riches d informations, hétérogènes (maillage + réflectances, etc.) et surtout occupent beaucoup de place. Ce fait rend problématiques le stockage et la transmission, notamment pour des applications en ligne de type musée virtuel. Pour cette raison, nous étudions les différentes possibilités de représentation et de codage des données acquises par ce système pour en adopter la plus pertinente. Puis nous examinons les stratégies les plus appropriées à la compression de telles données, sans toutefois perdre la généralité sur d autres données (type satellitaire). Nous réalisons un benchmark des stratégies de compression en proposant un cadre d évaluation et des améliorations sur les stratégies classiques existantes. Cette première étude nous permettra de proposer une approche adaptative qui se révélera plus efficace pour la compression et notamment dans le cadre de la stratégie que nous appelons Full-3D.We have developed an integrated system permitting the simultaneous acquisition of the 3D shape and the spectral spectral reflectance of scanned object surfaces. We call this system a 3D multispectral scanner because it combines within a stereopair, a multispectral video camera and a structured light projector. We see several application possibilities for a such acquisition system but we want to highlight applications in the field of digital archiving and broadcasting for heritage objects. In the manuscript we first introduce the acquisition system and its necessary calibrations and treatments needed for his use. Then, once the acquisition system is functional, data that are generated are rich in information, heterogeneous (mesh + reflectance, etc.) and in particular require lots of memory space. This fact makes data storage and transmission problematic, especially for applications like on line virtual museum. For this reason we study the different possibilities of representation and coding of data acquired by this system to adopt the most appropriate one. Then we examinate the most appropriate strategies to compress such data, without lost the generality on other data (satellite type). We perform a benchmark of compression strategies by providing an evaluation framework and improvements on existing conventional strategies. This first study will allow us to propose an adaptive approach that will be most effective for compression and particularly in the context of the compression strategy that we call Full-3D.DIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Remote photoplethysmography with constrained ICA using periodicity and chrominance constraints

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    Abstract Background Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) has been in the forefront recently for measuring cardiac pulse rates from live or recorded videos. It finds advantages in scenarios requiring remote monitoring, such as medicine and fitness, where contact based monitoring is limiting and cumbersome. The blood volume pulse, defined as the pulsative flow of arterial blood, gives rise to periodic changes in the skin color which are then quantified to estimate a temporal signal. This temporal signal can be analysed using various methods to extract the representative cardiac signal. Methods We present a novel method for measuring rPPG signals using constrained independent component analysis (cICA). We incorporate a priori information into the cICA algorithm to aid in the extraction of the most prominent rPPG signal. This a priori information is implemented using two constraints: first, based on periodicity using autocorrelation, and second, a chrominance-based constraint exploiting the physical characteristics of the skin. Results and conclusion Our method showed improved performances over traditional blind source separation methods like ICA and chrominance based methods with mean absolute errors of 0.62 beats per minute (BPM) and 3.14 BPM for the two datasets in our inhouse video database UBFC-RPPG, and 4.69 BPM for the public MMSE-HR dataset. Its performance was also better in comparison to other state of the art methods in terms of accuracy and robustness. Our UBFC-RPPG database is also made publicly available and is specifically aimed towards testing rPPG measurements
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